
What are the causes of all types of hepatitis?

Pregnancy associated with hepatitis is dangerous, easy to relapse, and may have a significant impact on fetal development. Understanding the cause of the disease is a pressing matter of the moment. According to the causes of the disease, viral hepatitis can be divided into five categories.
I. liver disease: the most common and most dangerous type of liver disease. It is contagious. The main viruses causing hepatitis are armour, B, C, D, e five. Hepatitis A and hepatitis E virus can infect a gut and cause a pandemic when the virus pollutes water or food, but it does not develop chronically or cause cirrhosis, and has lifelong immunity after the disease. B, C and D liver diseases spread via blood, a few can be in close contact with saliva, semen, milk and other infectious, such as husband and wife, between between mother and child two people infected each other. Hepatitis B and C can become chronic and may develop into cirrhosis or even liver cancer.
Two, metabolic abnormal hepatitis: abnormal metabolism refers to the liver on fat, protein and other substances metabolism is not normal, resulting in liver function and liver structure changes in the disease. Although it is less dangerous than liver disease, it is more likely to cause liver fibrosis than hepatitis B in the medium and severe fatty liver. Therefore, the occurrence of liver cancer is as important as the prevention and treatment of fatty liver.
Three, alcoholic liver injury: alcoholic hepatitis refers to the content of alcohol in the liver exceeded the normal proportion, resulting in the main component of alcohol, ethanol damage to liver cells and the impact on normal liver function. Clinical common, such as alcohol, liver, alcohol, liver, is a more dangerous liver disease.
Four, drug-induced liver injury: as the name suggests, this type of hepatitis is related to drugs. Drug induced liver injury has two conditions: one is the toxic effects of drugs, such as a variety of anti-cancer drugs may directly or indirectly damage the liver cells. The other is associated with the patient's specific constitution, which means that a person who has a liver injury after a certain drug has a lower, but unpredictable, rate of attack. Have penicillin allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis and other allergic constitution, patients should be careful or put an end to the use of sulfa drugs, such as amino salicylic acid, so as to avoid liver damage.
Five autoimmune hepatitis: rare, mostly associated with other autoimmune diseases. The most familiar of the five categories is, of course, liver disease, because it is caused by hepatitis viruses, a group of liver damage based infectious diseases, the spread and its harm is more serious. As for alcoholic hepatitis and drug hepatitis, just stop drinking and stop the use of related drugs, you can stop liver damage. The incidence of autoimmune hepatitis is relatively low, and hormones and immunosuppressive drugs can control the condition.

