As society continues to progress, people do not pay attention to their health conditions, it should not infect family, infected with the hepatitis disease, this is a very difficult disease, our patients must be vigilant, do not let the disease harm to our body, we to see what diseases can cause hepatitis, I hope to give you help!
1. other viral hepatitis caused by common infectious mononucleosis caused by EB virus disease, adult cytomegalovirus hepatitis, herpes simplex virus, adenovirus, rubella virus, measles virus, yellow fever virus, human immunodeficiency virus and Coxsackie virus B group can cause liver damage and similar hepatitis, but the the corresponding clinical characteristics, examination for identification of pathogenic serum.
2. other hepatobiliary diseases such as fatty liver, liver damage, alcoholic liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis, biliary cirrhosis, sclerosing cholangitis, toxic hepatitis, hepatolenticular degeneration and cholelithiasis are required to identify disease.
3. can induce the increase of ALT and hepatosplenomegaly diseases and drugs such as typhoid, typhus, malaria, Clonorchis sinensis disease, Brucella Mycobacterium disease, chronic schistosomiasis, malignant histiocytosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, leukemia, hepatic amyloidosis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma and liver etc. damage.
4. bacterial infection caused by liver damage, such as sepsis, toxic shock, lobar pneumonia, acute pyelonephritis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, liver tuberculosis and liver abscess.
5. congestion caused by various factors, such as myocardial infarction, myocarditis, Marfan syndrome, congestion of the heart and Budd Chiari syndrome.
6. digestive system diseases, such as acute and chronic gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and some intestinal parasites, can cause mild elevation of ALT, should also pay attention to identification.
7. severe hepatitis should be distinguished from acute fatty liver in pregnancy, tetracycline, acute fatty liver, severe jaundice, leptospirosis, drug-induced liver injury and extrahepatic obstructive jaundice.
8., jaundice patients still need to distinguish with hemolytic jaundice, various congenital non hemolytic jaundice (such as Dubin-Jehnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome, Gilbert syndrome, etc.).
Some diseases mentioned above is caused by hepatitis B, we must pay attention to in life, our patients in life must have a good mental state, do not have too big temper, try to make yourself a good state of preservation, the positive face of our lives, every day there is a reasonable sleep. The recovery of our condition will be of great help, I wish you good health!