Speaking of hepatitis this disease, many people are not unfamiliar, although the disease is a common disease, but many people ignore the prevention of the disease. There are many patients with hepatitis, the disease is also able to infect, so we must understand the disease prevention measures.
The liver tissue itself does not have painful nerves and therefore does not cause pain, but a thin layer of coating that covers the surface of the liver to protect the liver while separating the liver from other organs. Both the liver capsule has a rich painful nerve, once Be stimulated, there will be pain feeling.
No matter what the cause of hepatitis patients, liver tissue will be due to inflammation and congestion, edema so that the liver becomes swollen, resulting in the outer capsule is extremely tight support. Hepatic nerve and phrenic nerve connected, when the pressure, inflammation, chemical stimulation, you can impulse into the brain, resulting in pain, dull pain, weight loss or acupuncture-like pain.
Even in the recovery period of hepatitis patients, although the liver swelling caused by the liver capsule tension was relieved, liver function improved or normal, but still sensitive to liver pain, may be caused by inflammation around the liver capsule.
Of course, the pain is also related to the degree of individual sensitivity, the majority of patients through the treatment of pain can be completely disappeared, there are a small number of patients may be due to chronic illness after the brain to form a fixed pain excitement, and sometimes difficult to eliminate and produce pain, but no serious The condition of the reduction, and ultimately will turn and even disappear.
Hepatitis patients must pay attention to disease, if found to have related symptoms, the most critical is to early treatment. In the course of treatment of the disease, patients should also pay more attention to their details of life, adjust their own diet and other issues, to ensure the treatment of the disease effect.